Tuesday, March 16, 2010

7:00 p.m.



The meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held at 7:03 pm in the Sharon Town Hall with Chairman William A. Heitin, Selectman Walter “Joe” Roach, Selectman Richard A. Powell and Town Administrator Benjamin E. Puritz




VOTED: (Roach/Powell) Voted unanimously to open the hearing to increase the annual fee for on-premises sale of beer and wine


The Selectmen reviewed a survey of other Towns which showed that Sharon’s current fee of $900 is below average.  The Selectmen were in consensus to raise the fee to $1200.00


VOTED: (Roach/Powell) Voted unanimously to close the hearing


VOTED: (Roach/Powell) Voted unanimously to raise the annual fee for sale of on-premises beer and wine to $1,200.00


Hearing for off-premises beer and wine for Helambu, Inc. DBA Sharon Express 17 Post Office Square


VOTED: (Roach/Powell) Voted unanimously to open the hearing for Helambu, Inc. DBA Sharon Express 17 Post Office Square for off-premises wine and malt sales.


Manager Sam Shahu and Attorney Ray Watstein were in attendance.  Roni Thaler of the Selectmen’s Office reviewed the state’s required advertising and notification process for abutters and confirmed that the Town had complied with all requirements.


The store’s manager Sam Shahu and Attorney Watstein explained that the store in addition to beer and wine has a wide array of Indian, Kosher and American foods.  He also said that this is a family business.  


VOTED: (Roach/Powell) Voted unanimously to close the hearing


VOTED: (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to approve an off premises wine and malt license for Helambu Inc. d/b/a/ Sharon Express


DPW Superintendent Hooper: Consider Trash Collection Option Decision


Superintendent reviewed the various options for trash collection and recycling.  He said that he is recommending automated single stream recycling and manual refuse pick-up.  He said that the automated single stream recycling will benefit the Town financially because the amount of recycling will increase and as a result the tipping fee will decrease because of a smaller amount of trash.  The annual cost for each home will be $147.83 which is $4.00 greater than households are currently paying.  There will be weekly trash pick-up and bi-weekly recycling pick-up which is the current schedule. Leaf pick-up in the fall would still take place.  Superintendent Hooper said this contract expires June 30, 2013 which is 18 months prior to the expiration of the SEMASS contract on January 1, 2015. Sharon resident Kathy Mirza who is an employee of DEP said the advantage of weekly recycling is that homeowners don’t have to think about a schedule.  Superintendent Hooper explained that homeowners would receive a 96 gallon barrel for recycling that would be purchased by the Town through the state bid process.  Selectman Roach said he thought the Selectman might be better off approving bi-weekly recycling and providing an option for a smaller barrel.  Selectman Heitin indicated that he also favored bi-weekly recycling. Selectmen Powell said he favors weekly recycling, but felt that the automated, single stream recycling was an improvement over the current system and therefore was willing to support bi-weekly.


VOTED: (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to move ahead with the contract for weekly manual refuse pick-up and bi-weekly automated single stream recycling with a 96 gallon barrel.  The contract will start July 1, 2010 and end July 1, 2013




It was explained that the Town had purchased the home fat 9 Glenview Road for the purpose of selling it as an affordable house.  The disposable of the property is a two step property:

1 – Purchase and Sale through the Housing Partnership

2 – Article in Annual Warrant that declares that the property is surplus and can be sold and sued for affordable housing purposes.


 VOTED: (Heitin/Roach) Voted unanimously to move:

The Sharon Board of Selectmen hereby declares, pursuant to MGL c. 30B, §16, clause (a), and contingent upon the authorization of Town Meeting, that the property known and numbered as 9 Glenview Road, Sharon, Massachusetts, comprised of 0.46 acres, more or less (Assessor's Map and Parcel No. 102-88), is no longer being needed for municipal purposes and is available for disposition pursuant to MGL c. 30B, §16.  The future use of the property shall be subject to the following restrictions: (1) The property will be subject to a perpetual affordable deed rider; (2)  This property will shall be sold only to a qualified applicant; in order to qualify as an applicant, an applicant shall meet application income and asset criteria as established by applicable regulations;  (3) A perpetual affordable deed restriction shall be imposed upon the property at the point of sale, thereby affecting resale price, the level of recapture of capital improvements and the terms and conditions of refinancing;  (4) The minimum selling price shall be $187,600.00; (5) All other restrictions as set forth in a deed dated January 18, 2008, which is on file in the Norfolk County Registry District of the Land Court as Certificate No. 176156, Document No. 1,145,471. 




VOTED: (Roach/Powell) Voted unanimously to approve the minutes of March 2, 2010 and the Executive Session Minutes of March 2, 2010





The Board received its annual letter from Christine Turnbull of the Moosehill Sanctuary seeking permission from the Selectmen to close Moose Hill Street for the annual salamander crossing.


VOTED: (Powell/Roach) Voted unanimously to grant permission to the Moosehill Sanctuary  to close Moose Hill Street from the intersection of Moose Hill Parkway to Route. 27 to allow safe passage for the Yellow Spotted Salamander


The Selectmen asked that the Police Department and Fire Department are notified.




The Board had received a memo from the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation to waive fees for use of the Community Center on May 20, 2010 at 5pm.  Town Administrator Puritz pointed out that the Foundation has been very supportive of Town groups and the event is scheduled for a time that staffing is already in place in the Community Center, meaning additional costs would not be incurred.


VOTED: (Roach/Powell) Voted unanimously to waive rental fees for the Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation for the Sharon Community Center on My 20, 2010 at 5pm.




Chairman Heitin said the Board had received a letter signed by residents of Mountain Street asking that the road be paved.


VOTED: (Roach/Powell) Voted unanimously to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing collective bargaining, real property and pending litigation and at the end thereof to adjourn for the evening


The Board adjourned at 8:00 P.M.


Heitin:     Aye

Powell:  Aye

Roach:    Aye